Why Men Do This – How to Get Over a Guy


Read This Story:

I’ve been in a  relationship of three years to be exact. Very insensitive man who took my love and feeling for granted. What I came to realize is that out of my relationships of dating, i have never been this hurt as i was with this guy out of all the men i dated. And I’m the type to always hold long relationships from 2 years and up.

So all of my relationships was long and serious. But the one thing I noticed different from this relationship out of all the others, is that THIS man is the ONLY man to Not give me all I ever wanted. I mean as far as being sensitive to my feelings, not being able to talk to me when he is angry, ignores me when he gets mad, and even as small not taking me out shopping for anything, EVER. My point is, did everything complete opposite of what a supoortive caring partner should do and the reason why i hurted so much is because he is the only guy to not give me everything i have ever wanted.

Get over ex boyfriend quickly

Women tend to work a little harder for what they want or feel they deserve so they stay longer in relationships, hoping to finally get the rewards they feel they deserve for all the hard work they put into it and could potentially never get it. In turn, hurts you so much and still hoping for a miracle to happen. I know it sounds ridiculous and probably doesnt even make sense but for me it’s true.

I woke up one morning realizing all of this and was able to move on without looking back….. – In addition, there is no use hangin onto a man whos not able to make your life any easier and even much harder. You have a lot to worry about and you need to understand that only you can make things right for yourself. Nobody else can do it for you. No matter what you read and hear from people, you need to come to terms on your own.

It took me so long to realize myself also, is that there are a lot of great guys out there who deserve a good loyal woman like yourself. Hes not the last guy on the planet. Bad relationships are only stepping stones to great relationships. And life is tooo short to waste on a man whose just not worth it.

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